Man takes his own life due to failed ZkSync Era airdrop, appears he is not the only one

A tragic incident occurred in Uttar Pradesh when 25-year-old Lallu committed suicide after learning that he was not eligible to participate in the ZkSync Era airdrop. In an effort to improve his financial situation, Lallu took out a significant loan to participate in this highly anticipated event in the cryptocurrency world. Unfortunately, when he discovered that he did not meet the participation criteria, the news hit him so hard that he decided to take his own life.

This tragic case highlights the emotional and financial risks associated with the volatile world of cryptocurrencies. Experts and authorities warn of the need for caution and thorough research before engaging in high-risk financial activities such as airdrops and other crypto investments.

According to reports from the X network, several such tragic incidents have occurred.


Croatian version:

Muškarac si oduzeo život zbog neuspjelog ZkSync Era airdropa, čini se da nije jedini

U Uttar Pradeshu se dogodio tragičan incident kada je 25-godišnji Lallu počinio samoubojstvo nakon što je saznao da nije podoban za sudjelovanje u ZkSync Era airdropu. Lallu je, u želji da poboljša svoju financijsku situaciju, uzeo značajan kredit kako bi sudjelovao u ovom visoko očekivanom događaju u svijetu kriptovaluta. Nažalost, kad je otkrio da ne ispunjava uvjete za sudjelovanje, vijest ga je pogodila do te mjere da je odlučio oduzeti si život.

Ovaj tragični slučaj ističe emocionalne i financijske rizike povezane s nestabilnim svijetom kriptovaluta. Stručnjaci i vlasti upozoravaju na potrebu za oprezom i temeljitim istraživanjem prije ulaska u visokorizične financijske aktivnosti poput airdropa i drugih kripto-investicija.

Prema izvještajima s X mreže, dogodilo se više ovakvih tragičnih incidenata.